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Let there be wind beneath my wings, Flame in my throbbing heart... and an unquenched thirst for Knowledge.

Friday, February 18, 2011

She or a Flame...

It all starts from a sparkle,
a sparkle that lits it;
She blazes out like a flame,
a flame within her spirit.

A pieces of uncovered and fluorescent
beauty she is...
like a powerful and arrogant
fire waiting for release.

As she begins to burn to gold at her full flow,
it's when she decides to unfold her virginity and glow.

An unquenched thirst she possess,
burning in her heart for ages.

No one ever dares to come near,
Because, she is a quest and also fear.

The warmth and glaze that she emit;
it's like a wish that i can't resist.

Beside her as i sit
to call her name...
But still i don't know
if it is she or a Flame.

1 comment:

madhabi said...

she is a woman in love.......

very touching poem...
thanks for sharing this lovely piece..

keep on writing for our pleasure...