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Let there be wind beneath my wings, Flame in my throbbing heart... and an unquenched thirst for Knowledge.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Dark Angels

Light decieves you by your shadow,
But darkness embraces u with silence...



madhabi said...

the true dark angel...

they just give a glance at u when u need them and suddenly dissolve into the air...

they make u glitter with their spark and then vanish leaving u in an enigma..........

i do trust my dreams but dreams get nurtured in darkness... Is'n't it??

well, i got a glance and i m glad that i got it...

madhabi said...

while reading ur blogs i always feel like alive.. though ur words are sharp like a knife they have always rejoiced my soul.....

ur works are gr8 and going to shine for a long time......

i must say creativity begins in darkness....

and i'll be eagerly waiting to see some more works always....